Monday, March 16, 2009


Driving early in the morning in the office hours is a real pain. There is traffic everywhere, cars zooming past you, horns blowing furiously and people abusing each other showing fingers and signs......... its amazing how we all can do so many things at the same time and still avoid accidents......

Imagine if in between all this on one of the crossings the traffic lights stopped working. It becomes like one of those rides that you see in amusement parks, where you sit in those electronic cars and drive here and there bumping into other cars, they are called bumping cars or something...........

Well I happened to be in the middle of all this one fine morning.......

It was a bright day, as usual I woke up when my sister roared at me, shouting my name and telling me what a dim wit I am for going through the same rituals every morning and I being me just got up and opened one eye to avoid the blinding light of a wretched summer sun and the look on the face of my sister. I looked at her sheepishly and just got up, had my tea and brushed my teeth still half asleep.....

I came to the car and I could still hear my sister rambling along and mumbling about how I am the reason for all her displeasure early in the morning. No offence and I love my sister and I like the sun but I suppose you would understand how I feel, if you knew how I love to sleep.........

Well as usual driving her to the office I met a lot of traffic, yelling and abusing at me for driving in an indifferent manner in no hurry what so ever.......

Halfway through at one of the crossings the traffic light was broken and well it was a free pass for everyone. So, some intelligent beings trying to be the first to get out had caused a jam. There were more horns and everyone was shouting. Every now and then you would hear a bang and two people would get down from their respective cars and start howling at each other.....

AND THEN WHEN EVERYTHING SEEMED TO BE GOING HAYWIRE AND EVERY THING SEEMED TO BE BLOCKED, I SAW A MIRACLE (I call it a miracle cause it has to be some divine intervention because we don't see it very often in this part of the world)........................

A white soul out of nowhere was running towards the center of the mess. He had a paunch and was wearing a blue and white uniform and was blowing his whistle............

The traffic Police had arrived..............................


Ching Ya said...

ha.. you got me imagining a angel has descended from the heaven. You have the knack of writing, I would say. Glad you could join the Bloggertalk forum, see you around.

Rose DesRochers said...

Welcome to BloggerTalk. Thank goodness for the traffic Police.

Unknown said...

laga hai bhai...sahi time pass hai.........govs

rae said...

I just read this post.

Being one who has been to India several times, I can see it in my head "the chaos" when traffic lights broke down.

LoL. This is just too funny...but I love India. Really special place. I can relate when you mention the word "sun"
42°C in Delhi in May 2004. It was like standing next to a furnace.