Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Middle of Nowhere...

Have you ever been there, in the middle of nowhere…

There, where the grounds are covered with winter snow and the trees carry brand new spring leaves

Where, your mind, blurs the past from your memories, and a future in your eyes, it weaves

There, where the worlds both black and white become pointless

The white harsh sun, the clouds grey paint a rainbow

Have you ever been there, in the middle of nowhere…

That place where forward and rewind mean the same

And there is no place for fortune or fame

Where the noise of the sea waves meets the serenity of the vast oceans

Where your feelings are so great that they bring a sudden numbness to your emotions

That place where the heart is filled with joy and the eyes are filled with tears

Right there between an outburst and an absolute blank

Right there… in the middle of nowhere…

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